Monday, April 7, 2008

Look What I Can Do

Well, I didn't do it...Goofy Girl did...and Goji Juice girl...GO GOJI JUICE! But check out my new look. Now I have to come and post regularly. But now that my new look is officially here, I think I must update those few people (thanks) who still check here sometimes:

So our computer is still possessed by some gremlin. Sometimes it is a virus...sometimes it is a bad hard drive...sometimes it is our twins wondering what that pretty POWER ON button is all about...but regardless...we need a new computer. So on to the next piece of news...

I got a part time job. Nothing too fancy...especially in small town Iowa...I am working at the Spencer Daily Reporter late evenings. I have a very important job...i put the inserts in the paper...Glam-or-ous! But the hours work so I can still get some sleep and have no daycare. And it is 20-25 hours so I can make extra money so we can buy stuff we want...not stuff we my new hobby I have been meaning to take up for a few years now...

SCRAPBOOKING--I have been wanting to do this for years. Now I have finally stopped the procrastination. I have the albums...have the glue...FINALLY developed my pictures of when my 5 year old was an infant...have the pretty paper...have the extra money to fund the I am off. Now if I could just figure out the digital scrapbooking--anybody got any suggestions on how/where to go to learn that?!

We got our Land Rover fixed. And we bought a fuel-awesome car over the winter. So now my hubby can start the hobby he has wanted to start for some time---Decking out his landrover to go off roading. is only alittle bit more than my hobby (GULP) but our Land Rover is 4X4 truck on the planet! Or so I have been told.

But there it is...The past few months in a nutshell. So what if the making money with blogging fell through so far. I have met some fantastic people/bloggers/mothers/fathers/shewhobloggers/fun mondayers/kids registry-ers/momisoders/ningers/lil mousers/and anyone inbetween-ers. Now that my health is better and I am at least making $$$ somehow with no daycare, I can just blog...for the sake (addiction) of blogging.

here is a funny picture
Dream Blanket

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1 comment:

Christina said...

I'm new to your blog and only read this top post so far... and it is really interesting. You have a great style! :-) Congrats on the new job! If you figure out a source of info on digital scrapbooking let me know - something I'm interested in. This summer I'm taking a Web Design course online - can't wait. I think I'll learn some great stuff... to use on my own blog! :-)