Monday, December 3, 2007

Fun Monday

So Robin and her nest are the host this week. She would like our best...our blogging best.

It is kind of hard to choose our blogging best. I have only been blogging for a few months so, thankfully, there are not that many as of yet.

I think my favorite so far is my post about multi-tasking in the bathroom. I wrote it for the SheWhoBlogs blog but it is just so f-ing funny...I think.

Another one of my favorites is making sure your kids are ready for the computer age. If any of you have seen my Korner's blog, you will know I am all for having our kids on the computer about the same time as they are walking.

I think that should be go and check out all of our other prized bloggers and all their hard work!


Unknown said...

I totally relate to the bathroom hideout. I've lots of reading stuff, but never thought to keep a pad and pen there, too. For us minds that never shut off...anywhere... that's a great idea.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

I love the bathroom hideout post.

So true.

Kaytabug said...

Light a match! LOL The other was great too!

ChrisB said...

I keep a notepad by my bed as all my best material seems to come in the night. If I don't write it down I've forgotten it by morning~ but then for me that's because I'm getting old!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, multitasking in the bathroom? I take the laptop in with me. Sometimes my greatest posts appear while in the loo.

Sandy said...

My daughter came in to visit me in the bathroom today! and she's 31! It just never ends.

Karmyn R said...

Bathroom hideout? For some reason I've never been able to get this. Some days it seems my only quiet time is the walk to the mailbox.

Dreaming What Ifs...

Unknown said...

Being a mom of four and step-mom of two I treasure my bathroom time, in fact I have on occassion taken two baths in one day just for the alone with my thoughts time. I just wish I could successfully write down my thoughts while in the tub. That's when I have my best ideas, then when I find a dry paper and workign pen, poof - the idea is gone.

karisma said...

What? You mean the little darlings actually let you go in by yourself? Mine used to follow me everywhere, even there until they were big enough to explain the need for privacy.

Robin said...

I had to giggle at multi-tasking in the throneroom--there's a picture of my daughter when she was two on the toilet, with me sitting across from her on the potty chair (lid on it was down) NURSING MY BABY BOY! Talk about multi-tasking--potty training and on the boob!

Not a bad idea to keep a notebook nearby...when I have "good thoughts" I think "how could I forget that" and invariably, I do. I keep swearing I'm gonna put a notepad and pen in every room in the house, but I haven't yet.

giggles on AFF's comment...that I haven't tried, either, lol.


Tiggerlane said...

I sooo wish I could use this technique. However, there is only ONE bathroom in our current, I'm constantly getting interrupted. The lock doesn't work properly, and the hubby and Offspring are always hurrying me out of there. Sigh.